Pumpkin Is Good for You: Here Are 4 Reasons Why

Pumpkin is a type of winter squash that’s native to North America and particularly popular around mid-Autumn (Thanksgiving and Halloween). The word pumpkin is typically used to refer to Cucurbita pepo, a type of winter squash that is orange in colour. However, in some other countries, such as Australia, pumpkin may refer to any type of winter squash. Despite its reputation and its similar nutritional composition to vegetables, pumpkin is scientifically a fruit, as it contains seeds. The wonderful taste of pumpkin is accompanied by nutrition and health benefits, so here are 4 health and nutrition benefits of pumpkin.

It’s Highly Nutritious and Particularly Rich in Vitamin A

Pumpkin is high in vitamins A, C, B2 and E, and minerals like Potassium, Manganese, & Copper. In addition to being packed with vitamins and minerals, pumpkin is also relatively low in calories, due to its high-water content (94%). The carotenoid beta-carotene in pumpkin is very high, which the body converts to vitamin A. Furthermore, pumpkin seeds are edible, nutritious and linked to numerous health benefits.

Pumpkin Is Good for You

The High Antioxidant Content May Reduce Your Risk of Chronic Diseases

Your body produces free radicals to kill bacteria. However, these molecules can be extremely unstable and can put your body in a state of oxidative stress. This can lead to chronic illnesses such as heart disease or even cancer.

Pumpkins are rich in antioxidants like alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin. The antioxidants nullify free radicals before they begin to damage your cells.

Pumpkin Is Good for You
Pumpkin Is Good for You

Weight Loss through Nutrient Density and Low-Calorie Count

As discussed before pumpkin is packed with nutrients, despite being 94% water. That means you can consume more of it than other carb sources, such as rice and potatoes, while still taking in fewer calories. At only <50 calories per cup (245 grams), it can be a good source of fibre, which may suppress your appetite.

Incredibly Versatile and Easy to Add to Your Diet

The sweet taste of pumpkins makes them popular ingredients in dishes like custards, pies, and pancakes because they are delicious, versatile, and easy to incorporate into your diet. Nevertheless, it’s just as good with roasted veggies, soups, pasta, etc.

Pumpkin Is Good for You
Pumpkin Is Good for You

Buying pumpkin whole is an option, but you could prefer to buy the tinned version instead since it contains no additives or preservatives. Moreover, pumpkin seeds contain many nutrients that may also improve your bladder and heart health.

If you want to start adding pumpkin to your diet, be sure to get yourself a can (or 12) of Bakeroo’s finest, purest, pumpkin puree. A huge thank you to Healthline for the information used in this post. Be sure to check out our wonderful posts and recipes. You can subscribe to our YouTube Channel and follow us on Instagram.

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