It is finally May and the start of summer is just on the horizon. What better time to rev up the grill machines (coal-powered). And we have not just a day or a week, but a whole month to celebrate and keep celebrating this fantastic weather. Also known as Bar-B-Q, it is mouth-watering and a fantastic way to cook meat. Using different sauces and marinades, you can start to understand why people love it so much. In May we have the opportunity to have parties and gatherings around this concept. Listen, if not for anything, use this Barbecue Month as an excuse to meet up every weekend for roasted sausages and burgers.
How to Celebrate Barbecue Month
Host a Backyard Gathering
There’s nothing better than getting the old BBQout, inviting friends and family, and cooking up an amazing feast It doesn’t matter if it’s a big party with cool decorations and live music, or just a simple get-together with paper plates and drinks. Just as long as there’s meat and a grill, it’s a good party!

Try Some New Barbecue Ideas
Why not change up the fuel? The time may be right to move from just charcoal briquettes and lighter fluid to something more imaginative during National Barbecue Month. There are many options for you to choose from, including wood pellets, lump charcoal, and more. Here is a list of different fuels you can use for your BBQ. A makeshift firepit is a great idea too. Dig a hole in the garden, fill it with wood, and roast your meat on a stick.

At the end of the day, this is the best excuse for those in the UK. Purely because barbecue grills typically make an appearance during summer. In the United States, a barbecue isn’t limited to one season. And it’s an enjoyable pastime down in Australia! Us this as an opportunity to enjoy time with your family and friends.
At American Food Mart, we have a range of barbecue sauces, from sweet to spicy to tangy. Check out our Barbecue sauces and find the one you like (you may find a few deals too). So, head over to our website and celebrate Barbecue Month.