Interesting New Year’s Traditions Around the World


Interesting New Years Traditions Around the World-min
Filipinos eat 12 round fruits to

Filipinos love to indulge in fruit, and New Year’s Eve is no different. They tend to eat grapes, oranges, watermelons, apples, cantaloupes, etc… Traditionally, 12 different fruits are collected for each month of the year; however, the fruits must be round. It is believed that round food symbolizes money and thus can bring you luck in the coming year. Locals even wear polka-dotted clothing and carry round coins in their pockets


Interesting New Years Traditions Around the World-min
Interesting New Years Traditions Around the World

The confetti that flutters through the streets of Buenos Aires around lunchtime on December 31 appears celebratory, but the reason behind it is more practical. In Argentina, people shred all old documents and papers before the year ends, symbolising the passing of the past.


Interesting New Years Traditions Around the World
Interesting New Years Traditions Around the World

Danish people smash a plate against their door since this tradition is intended to bring them good luck for the coming year. This means that the heftier the pile of shattered crockery on your welcome mat, the more luck you’ll receive.

Another fascinating Danish tradition is to jump off a chair to symbolize jumping into a new year! How cool is that?

United States

Interesting New Years Traditions Around the World
Interesting New Years Traditions Around the World

Have you ever shared a midnight kiss on NYE? The tradition of couples kissing at midnight, especially married couples, is part of an American New Year’s tradition. Americans believe that kissing at midnight will ward off evil spirits and also prevent loneliness in the coming year.

What are you doing on New Year’s Eve?

Whether you are throwing shredded paper off a window or smashing a plate against your friends’ door, you will want to have a party! And any New Year’s party needs drinks. So come over to our website to get the best American drinks. And get yourself an AMAZING 20% DISCOUNT if you spend £20 o more on drinks! Use the code DRINKS20 and prepare for an amazing New Year’s Get-together!

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20% off DRINKS20
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