Mogu Mogu Nata De Coco Blackcurrant Drink (320ml) offers a bold, tangy blackcurrant flavour complemented by chewy nata de coco chunks. This refreshing drink provides a burst of fruity goodness and a fun texture in a convenient, portable bottle.
- Rich blackcurrant flavour
- Go for it without delay
- Ideal for on-the-go enjoyment
- Perfect for a refreshing treat any time of day
Ingredients: Water, Nata De Coco, Sugar, Fructose, Citric Acid (Acidulant), Calcium lactate (Acidulant), Artificial Blackcurrant Flavour, Gellan Gum (Gelling Agent), Sodium Benzoate (Preservative), E133, Contains Coconut.
Nutritional Facts – Typical Values Per 100g: Calories (kcal): 50, Calories (kJ): 209, Fat: 0g, Saturated Fat: 0g, Carbohydrates: 13g, Sugar: 12g, Protein: 0g, Salt: 0g.